Chris Norwood AIFD, PFCI, AAF is Vice President of Floral Operations at Tipton & Hurst, Inc., Arkansas’s largest and oldest florist. Chris has been an active member of the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) on both the national and regional levels. He has served as the national president of AIFD, as well as the past CEO and Chairman of the AIFD Foundation. He is currently serving as a board member of the Foundation. Chris received recognition of his extraordinary service to the Institute by being named an AIFD Fellow for upholding their goals and supporting their activities. He recently received the American Institute of Floral Design Distinguished Service to the floral industry at the 2022 Symposium. He received his American Academy of Floriculture (AAF) designation through the Society of American Florist (SAF) for the time and energy he devotes both to the floral industry as well as his community. Chris is currently serving SAF on their Retail Council Board. He just completed his term as President of the Arkansas Florist Association.
Chris has made numerous presentations at floral conventions and events nationwide on wedding and party design, where he loves to share his knowledge of trends, techniques and marketing. SAF recognized him by Admitting him into the Professional Floral Communicators International (PFCI), a distinction that is recognized throughout the industry. His work has been featured in Flowers and Florist’s Review, along with many wire service publications. National publications have included Southern Accents and Veranda. On the local level, Chis is featured weekly on KATV Good Morning Arkansas show where he shares his talent with the community. He was recently recognized as the Best Event Planner by Soirée and Inviting Arkansas magazines.
Chris is very active in community affairs in the Little Rock area and has worked with the Arkansas Cancer Research Center, the American Heart Association, Women and Children First, Women of Inspiration for Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas, Alzheimer’s Arkansas and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Chris is the recipient of the corporate service award for the American Heart Association in 2020. He speaks at many Garden Club functions, and various groups of fundraisers.
Chris often says how lucky he is to be able to do something he loves and be so successful at it. He credits his success to having such a supportive group of people surrounding him, including his staff and most importantly, his loving family. He and his wife, Renee, are extremely proud of their children, Sydney (Lance) and Andrew (Ashley), and his whole world stops with his beautiful grandchildren, Henry, Brooklyn, twin boys Landon & Jaxson, and Oliver.